I will be honest. I wasn't on board at first. I didn't even look into them until Barnes & Nobel came out with their Nook color. I love the feel of a book in my hands, the roughness of the paper as a page is turned, the sound of that page as it lifts and pivots on its edge to reveal the print on the other side. There is something about sitting in the corner of my sectional sofa, snuggled in a blanket, a book on my lap. The cost was and issue, too. A few hundred dollars just for the equipment, then you had to buy the books. And the thought of another screen to stare at in order to enjoy a story was a big deterrent.
Then I got my Mac. And, while browsing the free apps available, I found one for Kindle. The reviews were mixed. But it came with a few of the classics already downloaded. I also found out that there are lots of free or inexpensive ebooks. I was sold. No out-of-pocket cost, and I could trash it if I didn't like it.
So I downloaded the free app for my Windows phone, too. This is the one I use the most. When my 2 year old needs Mommy to stay in his room while he falls asleep at night, I hide under the blanket on my bed and read on my phone. (And I am reminded of the aversion to staring at a screen for reading every time.)
Now I am noticing epublishing getting more and more attention in the industry blogs and articles I read. In particular, Writer's Digest has been sharing articles and blogs on its Facebook page.
A big topic is the issue of illegal files and copyright infringement. This was a concern of mine when I first looked into this portion of the industry. Now, it seems that there are new programs being released that offer better protection for authors and publishers.
It is also painfully obvious that this is not a market to overlook or underestimate. Many new authors are finding their first books published electronically. Those looking to self-publish (which is another topic entirely) also turn to epublishing.
I don't think e-readers and apps will replace physical books--not anytime soon, anyway--but I am coming to terms with the facts that, if I ever get published, I may not get to experience that glorious feeling of holding a copy of my book in my hands, displaying it on my bookshelf at home. However, published is published, and I'd be happy with that. Ecstatic.
How do you feel about e-readers?
I'd love to have an e-reader for my school books, reference books for work and my casual reading. Carrying thick,heavy books with full arms can be daunting, but I would miss the excitement of the plot while slowly turning the page.